Tuesday, January 8, 2008

The social butterfly has lost her wings...

i was contemplating making a first post earlier, but for some reason i was in a really, really crappy mood so i couldn't even figure out what to write...It's been a crazy week so far and somehow I've managed to get myself overwhelmed, overbooked, and yet bored all at the same time.
I moved in 2 days ago and somehow, miraculously my stuff is already all unpacked!! With the exception of a box full of picture frames and some other randomness. I had to borrow clothes from Holly for the first night because I couldn't find any of my stuff so i finally decided that it was time to unpack...plus i believe i already told you about my adventurous first morning, i didn't feel like repeating that. I've also managed to get it clean and somewhat organized due to the fact that I was procrastinating homework, wifey, was gone and i had no friends here :(. However, notice it says "had" i made a few tonight!! I'll have to go into details for you later...but earlier today i was just a horrible mood. I didn't feel well, i was lonely on the floor--missing anna,mary,wifey--and feeling like i just didn't have any friends. So i decided that since i wasn't going to be socializing, that i should probably get work done. Only when i wrote it all down i realized that i have LOTS to get done, including a 3 page paper for Thursday, and my desk couldn't even be seen underneath the chair, window screen, and other random items that accumulated on it....so that did nothing improve my mood.
Okay, I'm over my little rant. Sorry you had to read that. My evening improved a lot later on, I found my desk, got dinner with wifey, and talked to both Mary and Anna. I also met a few girls out in the hallway earlier...I venturing out to go see a couple of girls I have classes with on the floor above me because I decided that it was time to stop feeling sorry for myself, and time to do something about it, when I ran into one of my neighbors in in the hallway. We both stopped to read this bulletin board that had new years resolutions on it and we were both a little stumped at one of them. The first time i read it i saw "I want be less nice to people, i mean what i whore." This utterly confused me and the other girl (we later discovered that the last part said "i mean what i wrote" which makes a little bit more sense). Anyways while i was out there she and i got to talking and eventually sat down on the floor in the hallway, whenever anyone would pass they stopped to chat too, until we got to the point where someone asked why they weren't invited to the "hallway party." I ended up hanging out with her and various girls for nearly 1 1/2 hours, so that gives me hope for the future. They all told me how excited they were that i was the "new kayla" on the floor and that "old kayla" was gone.

I have other stories for you later...i'll have to call you tomorrow. I'm too tired to type anymore and i have to wake up early to get a head start on all my homework :P. And by early i mean probably about 9 or 10 since i have class at noon...

hope your first day back is FAN-FREAKING-TASTIC!!!!!

ps i tried a strawberry banana margarita at margarita monday yesterday....it was no fuzzy navel but it came in pretty sweet cup with sugar on the rim, so i'm pretty sure i'll order a virgin one for myself next time =]

pps i approve of the title change.

ppps guess what i love you, i love you, i love YOOOUUUUU!!

im getting kind of looopy over here if you can't tell.

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