Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Mocktails!! A night of fun, food, and conversation with the delta gamma girls...

The bring your own banana party sounds fabulous!! I like the idea, our floor meeting was pretty short and to the point when we had it. I still feel like i don't quite fit in on the floor and a little lonely minus mary and anna, but it isn't as if i've really had that much time i could be socializing with the girls on the floor anyway because of my schedule. I have informal recruitment again tonight--the theme: Mocktails...

I would looooove for you to come and spend some time with me this weekend, whether it be on friday (if it is, you'll get to come out with me for Ani's birthday, or on sunday/monday whatever on the way back). For some reason i am really dreading the date with Cleve on saturday. I have no idea why. I just don't feel like going. I haven't called him back yet today and haven't decided if i will tonight. Like i wrote yesterday, today is going to be a crazy busy day...which is probably why i should be doing something other than writing on this blog, especially since i slept in till 1030 this morning instead of waking up and doing homework before micro.

The legging thing hasn't become a regular occurence, and probably won't so don't worry too, much it was more of a lazyness thing and not wanting to wear pants in that moment. I am back to jeans and ballet flats today, but i have one of my Delta Gamma "block" t-shirts on today (the ones that have the embroidered letters) because i have to wear them tonight and tomorrow night and 3 days next week. I guess that kind of dictates my wardrobe for a while. We're supposed to be advertising for DG or something...i don't really know. I guess it makes life easier in the aspect that now i don't have to pick out what to wear. Sorry this is a dreadfully boring post. It just kind of reflects my life right now...

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