Saturday, January 19, 2008

Putting a face to a name

Well, I finally figured out how to put a picture on the blog. Actually, Abby said she could help me, so she came downstairs, only to end up searching through every page on the blog and eventually just using the "help" section. But it worked out.
So, do you like the picture? I could only put ONE on does blogspot expect us to capture our personalities in one measley photo? Nevertheless, this one does encompass the essence of "sweet tea and midnight slushie" quite well, probably since it was taken directly before that fateful trip to Tom Thumb. Ah, good times. We don't look our most attractive in it, but whatevan.
I took a reallly long nap on Audrey's floor, and I think I was laying on my hair weird, so when I woke up, it wouldn't part and just stuck up funny. It looks ridonkulous...maybe it's trying to capture a little bit of your hair in it, which is probably a good thing. I would take a picture for you if my camera wasn't lost or stolen :(
I'm diggin this font; it's like an old-school typewriter. In coral.
OMG I just remembered, you have a date TONIGHT! If you actually ended up calling him. Call me about the juicy details, even if there aren't any! And talk to/make out with Steven anyway.
I've begun to understand how you feel about creepy guys. Except that I'm not getting any good ones to balance it out. I will update you later...I feel weird writing about people on the blog, not that they'll ever read it.
Also, Anna's name has been changed to "Chipi Chipi," just to let you know. And you have to say it in a high voice with a Spanish accent. Long story, but isn't that the best name ever?
And as for the rest of my exciting life...I'm just chilling with mi familia and waiting for the turkey to be done. Audrey just left me for the night to hang out with her "Herron friends"...losers. I watched Katie's indoor soccer game, and that girl is fierce! Even though they lost.
P.S. I just realized that my hair's already fallen back down. It can't be fun for even twenty minutes?

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Mocktails!! A night of fun, food, and conversation with the delta gamma girls...

The bring your own banana party sounds fabulous!! I like the idea, our floor meeting was pretty short and to the point when we had it. I still feel like i don't quite fit in on the floor and a little lonely minus mary and anna, but it isn't as if i've really had that much time i could be socializing with the girls on the floor anyway because of my schedule. I have informal recruitment again tonight--the theme: Mocktails...

I would looooove for you to come and spend some time with me this weekend, whether it be on friday (if it is, you'll get to come out with me for Ani's birthday, or on sunday/monday whatever on the way back). For some reason i am really dreading the date with Cleve on saturday. I have no idea why. I just don't feel like going. I haven't called him back yet today and haven't decided if i will tonight. Like i wrote yesterday, today is going to be a crazy busy day...which is probably why i should be doing something other than writing on this blog, especially since i slept in till 1030 this morning instead of waking up and doing homework before micro.

The legging thing hasn't become a regular occurence, and probably won't so don't worry too, much it was more of a lazyness thing and not wanting to wear pants in that moment. I am back to jeans and ballet flats today, but i have one of my Delta Gamma "block" t-shirts on today (the ones that have the embroidered letters) because i have to wear them tonight and tomorrow night and 3 days next week. I guess that kind of dictates my wardrobe for a while. We're supposed to be advertising for DG or something...i don't really know. I guess it makes life easier in the aspect that now i don't have to pick out what to wear. Sorry this is a dreadfully boring post. It just kind of reflects my life right now...

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Bring Your Own Banana

That's the name of a "party" I just went to. We had a hall meeting and a banana split party afterwards, which is genius, in my opinion. There was a lot of stuff...and ironically, the banana kind of ruined it. AND I can't believe you mentioned the margarita glass from target because I definitely pulled it from my cupboard just for this occasion and received many a compliment on it. No, your virginity should not be punished; if anything, they should give you a cooler glass.

Your outfit sounds nothing short of awesome. And liberating is a great adjective...I couldn't imagine how you felt until you said that. I don't think I could do it, but I'm sure you pulled it off. As for leggings without bum-coverage...I think you're letting Holly influence your fashion a little too much (no offense to her, but very few people's bums look good enough for just leggings).

I probably laughed out loud at your post like five times. Just to let you know. The nickel...HAHAHA, what a freak.

And you're taking microbiology...I'm taking microeconomics : ) Maybe they're similar...well, not at all. I spent two hours reading twelve pages in my book today.

The whole double/triple-date thing is probably not a good idea, they're right. I can visit some other time. I might go home this weekend--I wasn't going to, but it's a four-day weekend for me, and I probably won't be back until spring break, especially if I get a job. So if you want, I can stop by for a night or not even that long on my way up on Friday. Whatever works.

I am so happy that the Reik love is spreading in Terre Haute; Anna and I have been spreading it here too.

Random thought: I don't know if I told you, but Felicia told me that we're getting a hookah (sp?) bar in E-ville! Which will be fun because sometimes it feels like there is nothing here.

I know what you mean about the commitment thing. Sometimes I wonder if that is even possible, not that I've ever had the chance to be committed to anyone. I'd want to hang out with Steven too, from what you've told me.

Man, I kinda went off on Danielle yesterday. Someone, I think Kazia, said something about Terre Haute, and she said, "Wait, you pronounce the 't?' Is that what you call it?" I said, "Yes, Danielle, we all don't live in Maine and speak French like you do" in this pretty bitter tone. She said, "Oh, ok, I just thought I heard you pronounce it differently." "What? No, I've always called it 'Terre Haute.'" I've just been annoyed over know how it is. Lately, I've been showing all the signs of PMS even though I'm not supposed to start for like two weeks.
So I think I'm going to try to be an RA. There's a meeting tomorrow. It sounds cool (I get my own room and $2200 a semster!), except I hate filling out applications for stuff. It's such a long process where you have to make yourself sound good and ask other people to do it too. But I think I could be an RA. Anh seems to like it.
On that bright note, I hope you have a wonderful rest of the week.

Seriously....a nickel??

I think I am officially going to every Margarita Monday that i can from now on...the straw berry banana margarita was fabulous yesterday! Even if they wouldn't give me a cool glass b/c it wasn't acceptable for "virgins" or something like that...i personally don't think i should be punished for wanting to enjoy a delicious drink without the alcohol. Maybe i should just bring my fuzzy navel glass next week :). Or, oh! I guess i could bring my hot pink margarita glass we got at target this summer! Although i have a feeling bringing your own festive glass ware may be frowned upon...hmm.
Oh speaking of target, can you believe that Ena saw target boy?! It completely caught me by surprise...i had kind of forgot that he existed in the world of my many short-term and random stranger-crushes. I mean he and i never had any real interaction....and i never saw him showering...not like our connection with chairboy or anything ;).

Speaking of boys...i'm not sure the whole double thing with Cleve will work out. I talked to anna and holly both about it and they think its a bad idea especially for the first date. Although for some reason i don't even feel like going on the date on saturday now...not even sure why, i think i just don't want to feel like i have to spend the whole night at the party with him when there are plenty of other people there (ok, so maybe only 2 others...) that i want to be able to dance and hang out with without seeming rude. I always say i want a relationship, but whenever it comes to committing myself to anything or anyone i freak out and shy away before anything even has the chance to start. I even ignored Cleve when he called earlier, i just didn't feel like dealing with it tonight. I was in the middle of reading microbiology (oh joy!) and figured that if i lost focus...kind of like i am now that there would be no hope for the future. And i'm trying to get to bed early tonight...
i keep getting my sleep schedule off and then sleeping at random times. I almost fell asleep at dinner last night for ani's birthday, but i actually managed to make it home before i fell asleep watching DeGrassi with all the lights on, not even under the covers. Holly found me a few hours later and thought it was quite entertaining...
I caught up a bit on DeGrassi last night (i attempted to watch an episode as a study break tonight but unfortunatley couldn't figure out the DVD player.). I'm really confused as to when Paige and Alex became lesbians, but i suppose nothing on that show should surprise me anymore.

I also HAVE been listening to Reik when i'm in my room and i had holly listen to them too :D She liked them a lot. I love listening to spanish music, i'll have to ask mary what some of the spanish artisits she listens to are because she has some spanish music too.

Today Rebecca gave me a bag with "my things" in it that i had left in the room....i wonder why she even bothered. She gave me back a nickel, a couple bobby pins, a crumpled up piece of paper, and the only valuable thing in there a picture of ani and i. Maybe i'm overreacting but it was almost insulting to be given back a huge bag with just that crap in it. I wondered what the point was and she made some rude little comment too when she gave them to me. Whatever. I am just beyond glad to be living with holly now and glad that i only have class with rebecca 4 days a week now. Holly has had quite the effect on me dressing wise...i actually went to class looking somewhat like a hobo with holly's encouragement that i looked cute. Oddly enough i got a couple compliments...i also got a few other comments from others, but they just don't understand high fashion (ha!). Let me paint a picture for you...

Holly's hat =) (my hair had not been washed since friday and was kinda messy)

Huge gray sweat pants i stole from tyler when he was a freshman, tucked into a pair of faux uggs. (or as my dad thought they were called "ugh-umms").

A green zip up hoodie with a random print on it with a stripped shirt and colored tank underneath.

My plaid coat and a hotpink/purple scarf combo.

It actually almost felt liberating to look so...hobo-esque, and unmatching if that even makes any sense. I don't know, with holly's encouragement i've been able to try more looks and i actually went to eat dinner with her at the commons (our food court) wearing leggings as pants (with a shirt that didn't completely cover my bum).

here's the schedule for tomorrow....
8:18 wakeup
8:2o breakfast with holly and nathan
9-11 read anatomy, do math, do comm take-home quiz
11 lunch
12-12:50 microbiology
1-2 pick out poem//attempt to memorize for comm
2-3:15 sociology
3:30-4:15 workout
5-7 microbiology lab (its actually supposed to go 8, but i'm praying it won't)
7-830 informal recruitment for Delta Gamma (meeting new girls to see if we want them to be DG's....sounds kinda harsh but thats basically what it is. We meet them, hang out, judge them, and then vote on whether or not we want them)
9- Campus outreach.

I think i'm exhausted already, but its good to be busy right??

Friday, January 11, 2008

Es Viernes!

Yay for Friday!
Well, I just got out of my fifth and final class of today forty minutes ago. So I'm pretty happy right now.
I am loading Spanish music from...who else...Anna! I swear, it's my new obsession. I need to just go live in South America or something and have beautiful Latino babies. How is Reik? Really, really good, right? Ah, mi amor. You should also check out David Bisbal, Juanes, and Shakira's Spanish music. OK I'm finished.
So I decided today that I think I like my classes and professors for the most part. Knock on wood. The only hard one is econ...with my crazy yet awesome professor. She's like Aunt Marcy in the whole setting-up way of hers. The rest of my classes are just tedious...but good I think.
Anna just told me that Irish boy is in her and Kazia's communications class...lucky! But there are some good people in my classes. I've got some weird little crushes as usual. I swear this place is like a high school, it's so small.
By the way, your boyfriend talked to me a little bit today in business class, and he remembered my name, which was surprising since I haven't seen him in two months.
I think I am doing my project on Nordstrom instead of Publix. I'm sorry; you know that Publix means a lot to me, and I'm still planning on working there with you so we can wear green aprons. But I saw Nordstrom on the list and...I just got so excited. I love that place.
Hopefully you will have a fun and productive weekend. I probably won't do anything too exciting. We are probably going to my fave hippie coffee shop this weekend though!
Te Amo!

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

The social butterfly has lost her wings...

i was contemplating making a first post earlier, but for some reason i was in a really, really crappy mood so i couldn't even figure out what to write...It's been a crazy week so far and somehow I've managed to get myself overwhelmed, overbooked, and yet bored all at the same time.
I moved in 2 days ago and somehow, miraculously my stuff is already all unpacked!! With the exception of a box full of picture frames and some other randomness. I had to borrow clothes from Holly for the first night because I couldn't find any of my stuff so i finally decided that it was time to i believe i already told you about my adventurous first morning, i didn't feel like repeating that. I've also managed to get it clean and somewhat organized due to the fact that I was procrastinating homework, wifey, was gone and i had no friends here :(. However, notice it says "had" i made a few tonight!! I'll have to go into details for you later...but earlier today i was just a horrible mood. I didn't feel well, i was lonely on the floor--missing anna,mary,wifey--and feeling like i just didn't have any friends. So i decided that since i wasn't going to be socializing, that i should probably get work done. Only when i wrote it all down i realized that i have LOTS to get done, including a 3 page paper for Thursday, and my desk couldn't even be seen underneath the chair, window screen, and other random items that accumulated on that did nothing improve my mood.
Okay, I'm over my little rant. Sorry you had to read that. My evening improved a lot later on, I found my desk, got dinner with wifey, and talked to both Mary and Anna. I also met a few girls out in the hallway earlier...I venturing out to go see a couple of girls I have classes with on the floor above me because I decided that it was time to stop feeling sorry for myself, and time to do something about it, when I ran into one of my neighbors in in the hallway. We both stopped to read this bulletin board that had new years resolutions on it and we were both a little stumped at one of them. The first time i read it i saw "I want be less nice to people, i mean what i whore." This utterly confused me and the other girl (we later discovered that the last part said "i mean what i wrote" which makes a little bit more sense). Anyways while i was out there she and i got to talking and eventually sat down on the floor in the hallway, whenever anyone would pass they stopped to chat too, until we got to the point where someone asked why they weren't invited to the "hallway party." I ended up hanging out with her and various girls for nearly 1 1/2 hours, so that gives me hope for the future. They all told me how excited they were that i was the "new kayla" on the floor and that "old kayla" was gone.

I have other stories for you later...i'll have to call you tomorrow. I'm too tired to type anymore and i have to wake up early to get a head start on all my homework :P. And by early i mean probably about 9 or 10 since i have class at noon...

hope your first day back is FAN-FREAKING-TASTIC!!!!!

ps i tried a strawberry banana margarita at margarita monday was no fuzzy navel but it came in pretty sweet cup with sugar on the rim, so i'm pretty sure i'll order a virgin one for myself next time =]

pps i approve of the title change.

ppps guess what i love you, i love you, i love YOOOUUUUU!!

im getting kind of looopy over here if you can't tell.

I'm back!

AAAH so this is my first post without you, Kayla! I hope you know how momentous this is. It's a bit weird, actually. I changed the title of our blog page without your permission; I'm sorry, I thought we needed to complete the "Elf" quote.
I hope your classes and new room are going well : )
I'm sitting in my room with the fam (Anna, Kazia, and Dani Lee), and we are all just chillin on our computers. It's nice to be back. Except that I haven't unpacked any of my clothes, of which there are two suitcases full. But I could bet a lot of money that you haven't either. It's just that there is so much stuff!
Hahaha, by the way, you should have seen Anna and me getting that chair out of my car. It was POURING rain, and it took us several minutes because we had to position it very specifically to get it out. We even ended up calling my padre because he fit it in the car somehow.
On the bright side, I get to wear my new rainboots tomorrow!